Our Coaching Programmes
Our programmes provide a series of thought provoking coaching conversations, creating valuable space for client’s to reflect, experiment and develop. All Parity coaches had long, successful careers working and leading in financial services. This means we understand the challenges many women face and we can help you make the change you seek. And this benefits you, your stakeholders and your organisation.
Uncover the inner confidence you need to step into your dream role.
So you can
Get the recognition and rewards you deserve
Apply for promotion with confidence
Step out of your comfort zone and step up
Dial down perfectionism, manage your imposter
Regain your ‘mojo’ and do a job you love! *
For organisations this means
Improved equity across the organisation
More women available for management roles
Developing more effective leaders
Supporting female talent to transition into senior roles
Greater engagement, job performance and wellbeing *
(*Kerry is an accredited practitioner of ‘Motivational Maps’ - a diagnostic tool enabling individuals, teams and organisations to understand and prioritise what really motivates them, improving performance and wellbeing).
Grow your resilience and learn how to harness your emotions at work.
So you can
Feel less overwhelmed
Be confident saying ‘no’ when you mean no
Negotiate a better work life balance without guilt
Manage triggers and stay clear headed
Bounce back from setbacks and move confidently on
For organisations this means
Improved job performance and wellbeing
Increased engagement, reduced absence and attrition
Nurture leadership competencies, grow the female pipeline
Retain women after maternity, a career break or sickness
Deliver better business results
Learn how to connect with your team, peers and senior management for easier, more successful working relationships.
So you can
Get heard when others are banging their chest!
Communicate better with all your colleagues*
Develop interpersonal trust and recognition
Gain valuable ‘buy in’ from senior management
Be respected by being yourself
For organisations this means
Greater inclusion in a male dominated workplace
Improved team performance in a hybrid working world
Better communication and broader knowledge sharing
More authentic, empathetic and compassionate behaviour
Better business results
(*Kerry is an accredited practitioner of ‘EIP3’ - an insightful and practical emotional intelligence tool registered with the British Psychological Society).
How we work
We offer one to one and team / group coaching, depending upon your individual needs, team objectives and organisational goals.
One to one coaching
Using a combination of behavioural insight, neuroscience and our professional experience, we work with you to help you achieve the changes you want to make. Coaching sessions can be arranged either virtually or face to face in London.
Team coaching
Practicing the principle of diversity, we work with teams to grow awareness, leverage motivational drivers and share experiences to develop and support high performing teams. We can create tailored coaching programmes and/or team workshops aligned with your current business objectives and organisational needs. Coaching programmes and team workshops can be arranged virtually or face to face.